Persatuan Sains Perubatan (PSP) USMKK and Reproductive Health Association of Kelantan (ReHAK) was in a collaboration beginning this academic year. The collaboration was aimed at providing a channel for our students to be part of volunteer works with a nongovernmental organization and to instill a humble serving heart among our students.
The first event that saw PSP and ReHAK came together was a health camp at Sek. Men. Keb. Pengkalan Kubor 2 held in 31st October 2009.

Some might ask, “What is a health camp? 3 days 2 nights?”.
A health camp is a programme where ReHAK organized health talks, health exhibitions, some games for the children, and the all familiar health consultation and screening for the folks. At this point, some might say “Isn’t it the same like what we did in CFCS? What’s the big deal?”. Well, it’s yes, and no. Yes, our CFCS Residency 3 and 4 programmes bear similarities to a health camp, because this is what health personnels do – to educate the people with relevant health issues. And no, this programme is total volunteerism, and with volunteer participation from specialists from HUSM.

This first collaboration of PSP-ReHAK saw 14 year 4 PSP members showing their humble serving hearts to the community of Pengkalan Kubor. Our members helped out in manning the exhibitions, registrations, taking care of little children in games and colouring contest, and above all, making PSP proud! At the end of the day, they were given a certificate as a token of appreciation for their helping hands. But the most precious thing gained was not the certificate, it was the experience and the satisfaction gained from giving a hand to the community. Bravo to the 14 members of PSP for their volunteer participation in making the health camp a success, and bringing smiles to the folks of Pengkalan Kubor!

There will be more collaboration programmes to come in the future. So be on the lookout and don’t miss the chance to show the humble serving hearts of PSP members!
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